Features include:
Define how many columns you’d like your images displayed in
Define the size of both the width and height of the thumbnails
Crop images to a specified height and width
Easy "drag and drop" sorting
Easy editing of titles and captions
Zoomable lightbox effect when images are clicked
Display titles under each image, and display captions in the lightbox
You can enable automatic cropping, which will mean your thumbnails will appear with a consistent width and height, even if your images are different proportions. When cropping is enabled, images are automatically cropped to the centre. The benefit of this is that you do not need to worry about choosing the crop area for each image. However, if you require specific cropping areas that are not centred (for example, you want the top-left of the image to be shown), this will not be possible.
The ‘title’ under each caption can be turned on or off. If it’s turned on, the text size will be 12 pt. There will be a maxiumum of three lines of title text below the thumbnail in order for the gallery to function correctly. The gap between the rows of the gallery is system generated and is unable to be changed. You can however, create as much text as you'd like for your thumbnail captions (visible when the image is clicked, and the full sized image is displayed).
Free Bonus App
When you purchase the image gallery, you’ll also get zoom image for free! The Zoom Image app makes any image into a clickable link, that brings up the full-sized image in a lytebox. This means you don’t need to list your expandable images in a grid view – you can put them anywhere you like within the content areas, and have them expand on click. Combined with the gallery, this app gives you the flexibility to make your website very visually pleasing to the eye.